
Birdier is a website that provides an environment for amateur or professional photographers to showcase the beauty of birds that live in all parts of the world.

Here, photographers can share their work and their hobby through images displayed with quality and fidelity to the original files.

The photographs are registered by identifying the birds by their scientific name, English name or name by which they are known in the country where they were photographed. It is also possible to know where, when and by whom the bird was photographed.

All photos were taken in nature, without damaging the ecosystem and without harm to the birds’ welfare. Photos of captive, domesticated and pet birds are not accepted.

Users can create galleries with their photos, viewed and organized automatically by the latest photos, or they can organize them in other ways, according to the site specifications. Users can also see each photo’s technical information.

Crypturellus parvirostris • Small-billed Tinamou • by Bertrando Campos


A passionate bird watcher. The photography was the way I found to record and share the beauty of these winged creatures.

Sou apaixonado pelas aves desde cedo. A fotografia foi a maneira que encontrei para registrar e compartilhar a beleza dessas criaturas aladas.

Sempre gostei de fotografar a natureza. As aves me encantam pela sua beleza. Viajar com os amigos para passarinhar é muito bom.

    • 3398 photos
    • 771 species
    • Brasília - DF, Brasil
    • Personal page
    • User since 04/2017